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Certified Diverse Supplier

A certified diverse supplier is any business or enterprise that is certified by a Supplier Certification Organization to be more than 51% (majority) owned, managed and controlled by persons belonging to an equity-seeking community or a social purpose enterprise. These communities include, but are not limited to, women, Indigenous people, visible minorities/racialized people, veterans, persons with disabilities and Two Spirit, Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Intersex and additional sexually and gender diverse people (2SLGBTQI+) community. Agencies may request proof of Certification during the bidding process.



Choose the category(s) from the list below that your company would like to be informed of. We suggest that you utilize the search feature below. For example, if your business is  "Janitorial”, type “janitorial” in the keyword field and your results will be displayed. If you cannot find a specific sub category click the main category to ensure you receive all notifications in that category.
Categories *

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In order to add a contact to the company profile, click on the “Invite another contact” button and type the contact name and email address of the person you wish to add. Your invited contacts will receive an email invitation from the Sourcewell Procurement Portal to create their own login to the Portal.

It is your sole responsibility to keep your additional invited contact(s) current and delete any contacts that you DO NOT want to have ability to submit, edit and/or withdraw your company bid submissions. (for example; delete any contact that has terminated their employment with your company) 

Password Hint
Your password must be at least 6 characters in length, have 2 upper case characters and at least 1 special character (!@#$&*)